At ‘for aisha’ we’re very excited to collaborate with FareShare, the UK’s largest charity fighting hunger and food waste. They redistribute fresh, in date and good-to-eat surplus from the food industry, which would otherwise go to waste.
FareShare reach 1,500 towns and cities across the UK and supply food to other local charities and support groups; such as homeless hostels, children’s breakfast clubs and lunches older people and people struggling with domestic violence.
Their incredible work meant that last year FareShare were able to redistribute 36.7 million meals, to organisations that not only supply food but also provide life changing support.
1.9 million tonnes of food is wasted by the food industry every year in the UK. Enough edible food is wasted to provide for 650 million meals – that’s 10 meals for every single person in Britain!
At for aisha we are helping FareShare by donating many of our meals and we will continue to do so on an ongoing basis.
We are happy that our meals will help some of the UK’s 8.4 million people who are struggling to afford to eat, meaning some little ones might not be getting the nutrition needed for healthy development.
FareShare are changing these statistics with their fantastic work and we’re proud to support them as they continue to fight unnecessary food waste and hunger across the UK.
You can also help to donate to FareShare here-
If you’re affected by hunger this winter then please see here for support-