Sweet potatoes are a key ingredient in some of our bestselling meals- like ‘Chicken and Sweet Potato Curry’, and we want you to know exactly why we include these in our nutritious recipes.

They are a fantastic source of fibre, which is great for healthy bowel functions and digestion. Sweet Potatoes also contain an array of important vitamins and minerals- such as Iron which helps maintain energy levels and creates haemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that helps to transport oxygen around the body.

Calcium maintains strong and healthy bones, and Vitamins B and C support the immune system; these can also be found in sweet potatoes!
They also contain beta-carotene which the body transforms into Vitamin A for healthy skin, to boost our immune system, and for good eye health and vision.

We strive to incorporate these tasty vegetables- along with many others- into our dietitian approved recipes, to ensure your little one gets all the nutrients they need to grow and develop.
You can also find sweet potatoes in our BRAND NEW Salmon and Sweet Potato Mash with Garden Peas- Visit www.foraisha.com to shop with us now!